


1. 提升參與者的英語聽力技能,使其更自信且流利地理解來自各種口音和語速的演講者。
2. 強化口語表達技巧,培養在不同情境中流利使用英語的能力。
3. 通過有效運用多樣的聽力材料,培養獨立學習的能力。
1. Enhance participants'' English listening skills to enable them to understand speakers of all accents and speeds more confidently and fluently.
2. Strengthen oral expression skills and develop fluency in the use of English in different situations.
3. Develop the ability to learn independently by utilizing a variety of listening materials effectively.

1. 課程環境介紹和ChatGPT功能 / 活動:自我介紹和發音練習
2. 基礎聽力訓練:日常對話 / 活動:短篇聽力練習和小組討論
3. 口語表達技巧:準確發音和語調 / 活動:發音挑戰和即興演講
4. 高級聽力訓練:新聞報導 / 活動:新聞分析和小組討論
5. 口語實踐:演講技巧 / 活動:演講計劃和實際練習
6. 各種口音和語速的聽力訓練 / 活動:聽力練習和模擬真實對話
7. 口語表達:情境對話 / 活動:實際情境對話練習和反思
8. 自主學習技能:有效運用聽力材料 / 活動:參與者分享和制定自主學習計劃
9. 口語挑戰:即興角色扮演 / 活動:即興演講挑戰和反饋
10. 總結與展望:學習成果回顧和未來學習方向 / 活動:分享學習成果和課程反思
1. Introduction to the course environment and the functions of ChatGPT/Activity: Self-introduction and pronunciation practice.
2 Basic Listening Training: Daily Conversations / Activity: Short Listening Exercises and Group Discussions
3 Oral Expression Skills: Accurate Pronunciation and Intonation / Activity: Pronunciation Challenges and Impromptu Speeches
4. Advanced Listening Training: News Reporting / Activity: News Analysis and Group Discussions
5 . Oral Practice: Presentation Skills / Activity: Presentation Planning and Practical Exercises
6 Listening for Various Accents and Speech Speeds / Activity: Listening Exercises and Simulated Real-life Conversations
7 Oral Expression: Situational Conversations / Activity: Practice and Reflection on Situational Conversations
8 Self-Directed Learning Skills: Effective Use of Listening Materials / Activity: Participant Sharing and Planning for Self-Directed Learning
9 Oral Challenge: Impromptu Role-Playing / Activity: Challenges in Impromptu Speeches and Feedback
10 Summary and Outlook: Review of Learning Outcomes and Future Learning Directions / Activity: Sharing Learning Outcomes and Program Reflection


1. 對話式聊天機器人:將ChatGPT應用為一個互動式聊天機器人,讓學生可以進行基於文本的對話。這些對話可以定制,模擬真實情境,幫助學生練習語言技能。

2. 英語全語境對話密集課堂環境:模擬一個全英文的課堂環境,提供真實而豐富的語言材料,使學生能夠沉浸在英語語境中,提升其聽說技能的自然度。

3. 密集而深入的聽力訓練:提供各種聽力材料,包括日常對話、新聞、視頻等,刺激學生對不同口音和語速的適應能力,同時加強他們在不同語境中的理解能力。

4. 豐富的口語機會:課程設計了多種口語活動,包括發音練習、演講計劃和即興演講挑戰,以發展學生在實際交流中的口語表達技能。

1. Chatbots for Conversation: Implement ChatGPT as an interactive chatbot where students can engage in text-based conversations. These conversations can be tailored to mimic real-life scenarios, helping students practice their language skills.
2. All-English Conversation Intensive Class Environment: Simulate an all-English course environment, offering authentic and rich language materials, enabling students to immerse themselves in an English-speaking context, and enhance the naturalness of their listening and speaking skills.
3 Intensive and In-depth Listening Training: Provide a variety of listening materials, including everyday conversations, news, videos, etc., to stimulate students'' adaptability to different accents and speech speeds, while strengthening their understanding in various linguistic contexts.
4. Ample Opportunities for Speaking: The course is designed with a variety of speaking activities, including pronunciation practice, presentation planning, and impromptu speech challenges, to develop students'' spoken expression skills in real-life communication.



經歷:Real Gabinete Portugues de Leitura/Instituto Macau-RGPL/IIM,Brazil and Macau、Substitute Professor :Post-Graduate Program in Arts-PPGA-State University of Rio de Janeiro,UERJ,Brazil、A-Ma Literary Prize,Fundacao Casa de Macau/Macau House Foundation(First Prize winner)


【第1波85折】開課日前28日 截止。
【第2波9折】開課日前14日 截止。


【報名方法】「線上報名」、「現場報名」或「通訊報名」,請見 報名須知
【線上報名】 https://itouch.cycu.edu.tw/go/?w=5284@forms

【上課須知】上課與轉班退費須知 https://oce.cycu.edu.tw/page/?i=188
【報名諮詢】推廣教育處(03)265-1313,中原大學 真知教學大樓1樓


學分班註記 非學分班
證書說明 1.本課程屬於「非學分班」。
上課備註 不上課日:4/7、6/9
