

上課教材: 教師自編講義
課程目標 :基本自我介紹,基礎生活會話,盡可能達到與當地人簡單對談等等...。

1. what you can learn in the class/ alphabet and pronunciation/to say "hello"/how to answer when someone asks you your name
2. pronunciation/the numbers from 1 to 10/how to answer when someone asks you how old you are
3. to say whether you like something or not/to say "yes" and "no" and/the names of some popular and unpopular hings!
4. how to ask where something is/ how to say "goodbye" and "thank you" and some words about school
5. the names for "mom" "dad" "sister" and "brother"/how you would be introduced to someone''s family/how to introduce your own family/how to say how many brothers and sisters you have
6. another answer to "where is?" /the names of some places/the names for rooms and furniture in the home
7. how to ask "what''s that?"/very useful if you don''t know the name of something in Spanish!/to understand the word for "please"
8. to say what you like doing/to say what you don''t like doing
9. the colors/how to say "big" and "small"/and to understand someone who is asking you what you want
10. the names of some zoo animals/how to say you''re hungry, thirsty, or afraid/how to ask for something in a snack bar or restaurant/how to say that something''s super, big, great, etc.
11. how to talk about the weather/how to answer if someone offers you "a little" food/the names of some food in Spanish.
12. how to say that you''d like something/how to say the names of some popular toys/and you''ll go over some of the language you''ve learned before

1. 藉由圖像與聲音輔助,搭配表情與手勢動作與西文連結,跳脫死記單字與文法的規則。
2. 以"聽" 跟"說" 當作入門的重點教學 :優先用『耳朵』累積基本字彙,而後試著『模仿』並說出口來學習。
3. 小組教學模式,大量的對話練習。



(1)早鳥優惠:85折優惠至 2022/6/15 截止。


【報名方法】「線上報名」、「現場報名」或「通訊報名」,請見 報名須知
【線上報名】 點此報名https://itouch.cycu.edu.tw/active_project/cycu2900h_09/forms/#/forms/1787

【報名諮詢】推廣教育處(03)265-1313,中原大學 真知教學大樓


學分班註記 非學分班
證書說明 1.本課程屬於「非學分班」。
上課備註 ※本課程保留因疫情調整為遠距教學之權利。
